- COVID-19: Chaining the masses to spare capital
October 12, 2020
The new measures the Quebecois bourgeoisie is putting in place in reaction to the resurgence of the epidemic, and notably the ones accompanying the recent passage of three regions of the province – including Montreal and the Capitale-nationale […]
Message from the PCR-RCP to the “Canada Tribute to Ka Fidel Agcaoili”News
August 17, 2020
This message was read on August 8, 2020 at the Canada Tribute to Ka Fidel Agcaoili, which gathers comrades and friends of this great revolutionary and leader of the national democratic movement in the Philippines, who passed on July 23 at the age of […]
- COVID-19: a look back at the revolt that shook Serbia at the start of the month
July 27, 2020
As new epidemic outbreaks are occurring all around the world, slowly counteracting the effects of the propaganda deployed during the months of May-June by the ruling classes to present the COVID-19 pandemic as nothing more than a bad dream of winter […]
- COVID-19: The dual function of the health emergency and the measures put in place
May 17, 2020
In the context of the pandemic, the state of health emergency and the state measures put in place have a dual function in bourgeois society. They constitute both a corpus of genuine public health measures and a corpus of preventive repressive […]
- COVID-19: Thousands of workers sent to slaughterhouse for economic recovery
May 4, 2020
In the major imperialist countries, the new coronavirus has already killed tens of thousands of people and affected the health of hundreds of thousands more. In Europe and North America, almost 200 000 people have officially been killed by the virus […]
- COVID-19: The hecatomb in the CHSLDs is the consequence of the criminal decisions of the Quebec bourgeois state
May 4, 2020
In Quebec, the last few days have been marked by the total loss of control by bourgeois administrators and provincial authorities over the situation in the Centres d’hébergement de soins de longue durée (CHSLDs), where the coronavirus is […]
- May Day 2020, International Workers’ Day: Declaration of the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP)
April 30, 2020
The International Workers’ Day is usually an occasion for proletarians of all countries to gather together, storm the city centres of the metropolises and carry out combative actions against the exploiting classes. This year, in Quebec and […]
- Workers are millions of heroes!
April 30, 2020
On this May 1st, 2020, International Workers’ Day, we are publishing this text to remind the proletarians of Quebec and Canada that the future of their class does not lie in the current bourgeois society, a society in which their value is not […]
- COVID-19: International Competition at the Heart of the Current Crisis
April 21, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a new political and social reality that is not easy to analyse. It is necessary to identify what is at work in the development of the current crisis in order to understand the events that have taken place in […]
- COVID-19: Let’s reject nationalist illusions and denounce petty-bourgeois complacency towards the Legault government!
April 21, 2020
All over the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating the contradictions of the capitalist mode of production and aggravating the disorder of bourgeois society. At the international level, competition between the bourgeoisies of the various […]
- COVID-19: Health care workers sacrificed by the Quebec capitalist State
April 17, 2020
Like their comrades elsewhere in the country and around the world, health care workers in Quebec are currently leading the front-line battle to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. And as in other countries, they have been sent to the front lines by […]
- COVID-19: events reveal that we are in the antechamber of socialism
March 23, 2020
The extraordinary measures put in place for more than a week now by the provincial governments and the federal government of Canada to combat the COVID-19 pandemic are indicative of the high level of development of the productive forces in the […]
- Indefenite General Strike in Home Childcare Service: Fair and Legitimate Demands
March 23, 2020
The recent events surrounding home childcare services give rise to excellent reflections on the current links, as well as those to be developed, between the proletariat and other economic agents who are acting outside wage-labor (e.g., owners of […]
- Bombardier Assets Liquidation: Quebec’s Bourgeoisie Readjust and Strengthen itself
March 14, 2020
Despite previous sales of assets and subsidiaries operated by the company, we all knew that Bombardier had not been able to pay off its large debts, which amounted to $12.3 billion at the beginning of this year. Clearly, the liquidations were not […]
- The fight of the skilled workers at the CRC-FCL refinery: a demonstration of organizational skills and worker determination
March 12, 2020
The fight of the 800 skilled workers from Unifor Local 594 against the owners of the Co-op Refinery Complex (CRC) refinery in Regina, Saskatchewan is an impressive display of organization and determination. The lockout has been going on since […]
- The major groups of the proletariat: the masses of our epoch inside the imperialist countries
March 11, 2020
Following the disappearance of the developed communist organizations which existed before the period of ebb of the world revolution, the revolutionaries found themselves largely separated from the living reality of the working class and the […]
- The 10 major groups of the proletariat
March 11, 2020
The following class analysis is subsequent to the one that was first presented in the first paper edition of ISKRA, it deals with what we call “the 10 major groups” that constitute the Canadian proletariat as whole. This analysis helps […]
- Saputo: a capitalist like any others
March 6, 2020
Lately, the alleged links between the Saputo enterprise and organized crime have caused a stir in the bourgeois media. It all started on January 16 when the Radio-Canada program Enquête devoted an episode to the personal and business relationships […]
- Brexit: the new tactics of British capital in face of Europe economic unification
March 6, 2020
On January 31, the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), what has been dubbed Brexit, is an event which, without being major in itself, is of some importance on the international scale. The economic repercussions of Brexit […]
- Jeanne Corbin (1906-1944): exemplary communist of her time
March 6, 2020
The history of the communist movement in Canada is too little known. However, his story is rich in experiences and lessons. The working class organization of the Communist Party of Canada in the 1920s and 1930s should be of interest to all […]
- Port of Montreal: dockworkers are determined to fight!
March 6, 2020
Pending the decision of the court about essential services to maintain in the event of a strike, members of the Union of dockworkers of the port of Montreal (local 375 of CUPE) have just voted overwhelmingly for a third time in favor of the […]
Venezuela: Down with the intervention of US imperialism and its allies!News
June 3, 2019
Canadian imperialism has recently joined forces with other imperialist powers, mainly the United States, to overthrow, through a coup d’état, President Nicolás Maduro’s government in Venezuela, accusing it of exercising dictatorial power […]
Declaration of the Editorial Board #2 – On party reconstructionAnalysis
April 19, 2019
A few weeks ago, the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) celebrated its twelfth anniversary. This event is, every year, an opportunity for our organization to gather its forces before launching them again into the struggle of the coming months. This […]
On May 1st, let us commemorate politically the centenary of the heroic Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 by storming the financial centre of Montreal!News
February 5, 2019
This year, May 1st has special significance for the Canadian proletariat. It coincides with the centenary of an event whose recollection remains forever engraved in its memory, an event that, at the time, allowed it to learn fundamental lessons and, […]
12th anniversary of the RCP: Let’s break the ceilings of the past!News
February 5, 2019
Opening speech given on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the RCP Comrades! We are gathered here tonight to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Revolutionary Communist Party: 12 years of countercurrent struggle to build a true […]
Revolutionary March 8, International Working Women’s Day! All over the world, exploited women are standing up and fighting!News
February 2, 2019
“In the history of humanity, no great movement of the oppressed has been accomplished without the participation of women workers. The latter, the most oppressed among the oppressed, could not and never stood aside from the great path of the […]
No, there is no labour shortage in Quebec!Analysis
February 1, 2019
Original Post – November 13, 2018 ISKRA In Quebec, capitalists have been engaged for some time in a new ideological campaign against the proletariat. This offensive consists in spreading the idea that there would be a labour shortage in the […]
February 1, 2019
Original Post – October 21, 2018 ISKRA The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which officially entered into force on 1 January 1994, was an extension to Mexico of the economic agreement that had already linked the United States and […]
- Elections: Brazil, reactionary mobilization and revolutionary mobilization!
February 1, 2019
Original Post – November 15, 2018 ISKRA The elections in Brazil finally led to the victory of the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro (former military and fierce defender of the armed forces). Far from being a surprise, the results of this […]
At the heart of socialism: proletarian public health, universal comprehensive care and effective disease prevention!Analysis
February 1, 2019
Original post – December 8, 2018 ISKRA The theme of health is popular among the proletariat and the working masses. This is perfectly understandable: during his life, every proletarian will inevitably need medical care at one time or another, […]
Some news about the people’s war in IndiaNews
February 1, 2019
Translated repost from November 11, 2018 ISKRA Created by the merger of the CPI (ML) PW and the MCCI in 2004, at a joint meeting of historic significance between the respective central committees of these two organizations, the CPI (Maoist) is the […]
- 12th anniversary of the Revolutionary Communist Party
January 24, 2019
Political gathering on January 28 with a view to 8 March and May Day 2019 January 28th will mark the 12th anniversary of the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP). On this occasion, the Party will hold a major political gathering to which are […]
The Objective Forms of Revolutionary ActionArsenal 10
September 9, 2018
An Introduction to What Is Meant by Objective Forms of Revolutionary Action The notion of objective forms of revolutionary action originates in a materialistic and political appreciation of the experience historically accumulated by the […]
Introduction to Arsenal no. 10Arsenal 10
August 18, 2018
To all those who fight for communism… The appearance of Arsenal no. 10 is a great step forward in the solidification of the revolutionary camp in Canada. This issue’s publishing by the Revolutionary Communist Party marks its entry into a new […]
Against the confusion and opportunism of Arsenal no. 9Arsenal 10
August 18, 2018
This criticism is part of the struggle we have been leading for many months to repair the political damage done to the revolution by the Canadian opportunists. The Revolutionary Communist Party completely disavows the ninth issue of the Arsenal […]
“Boycott Elections!” International Significance of the SloganAnalysis
August 18, 2018
Within the framework of the campaign for the boycott of the bourgeois elections introduced by the revolutionary communist Party (RCP), we publish an article of the revolutionary Charu Mazumdar, which supports the slogan for the boycott of the […]
July 30, 2018
For the vast majority of the population, voting is useless. From one election to the next, the wealth gap continues to widen, attacks on workers are multiplying, the military budget increases, wars against the peoples of exploited countries carries […]
A Call for revolutionary correspondents! Help us build ISKRA, the magazine of revolution and proletarian struggle!Correspondents
July 30, 2018
Comrades! The recent launch of the revolutionary web magazine ISKRA is excellent news for the class struggle and the revolutionary proletariat in Canada. Every day, thousands of workers across the country are discovering, suffering and fighting back […]
A year of struggle !Analysis
July 30, 2018
Speech on the occasion of the celebration of the PCR-RCP anniversary Sunday January 28, 2018. Our party, the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP), is a unique party. First of all, in 2007 we made the move to become a party in order to build it […]
- Programme
July 30, 2018
- Towards May Day 2019!
July 30, 2018
Let us Fight for Socialism and our Demands! Today, the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) begins its twelfth year of existence with the launching of a broad political offensive against the Canadian imperialist bourgeoisie. We are setting forth on a […]
July 30, 2018
This document is devoted to the episode of crisis that affected the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) towards the end of last winter. It is a follow-up on the first statement published on our website (pcr-rcp.ca), in which the Quebec District […]